News & Press Releases

CommerceWest Bank Helped Provide Service Dogs to our Wounded Veterans

Irvine, California – October 06, 2018 – CommerceWest Bank helped Patriotic Service Foundation provide service dogs to our wounded veterans by sponsoring the 22 to Zero annual gala. Patriotic Service Foundation matches veterans with highly trained and skilled service dogs. The service dogs help our veterans become more independent, self-confident and comfortable with life outside of the military.

CommerceWest Bank Supported the Blind Children’s Learning Center Early Intervention Efforts to Help Children with Visual Impairments

Irvine, California – September 25, 2018 – CommerceWest Bank supported the Blind Children’s Learning Center early intervention efforts to help children with visual impairments. The Global Infant Development program is an innovative program that pairs children with visual impairments with sighted peers, alongside one another in an inclusive setting. Children receive Braille and low vision instruction, training in adaptive technology, access to a multi-sensory curriculum, therapeutic services, and exposure to practical, real world experiences.

CommerceWest Bank Partnered with WHW, formerly known as Women Helping Women

Irvine, California – September 21, 2018 – CommerceWest Bank partnered with WHW to help local job seekers by donating handbags to help candidates feel more confident during the interview process. WHW provides professional apparel services for men and women. In addition, WHW offers comprehensive Employment Readiness Workshops, Job Placement Assistance, Employment Retention Support and Computer Training, all at no charge. Last year, nearly 80% of the over 10,000 job seekers WHW served gained employment within 3 months resulting in an average household income increase of 560%. A good job changes everything!

CommerceWest Bank Earned a 5-Star “Superior” Rating from Bauer Financial

Irvine, California – September 11, 2018 – CommerceWest Bank earned a 5-Star “Superior” Rating from Bauer Financial. Only the strongest financial institutions receive a 5-Star rating and are recommended by Bauer Financial. Bauer Financial is independent and has been analyzing and reporting on the banking industry since 1983.

CommerceWest Bank Declares Cash Dividend Payment to Shareholders

Irvine, California – September 5, 2018 – CommerceWest Bank announced the approval of a quarterly cash dividend by its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.17 per common share, payable October 12, 2018 to shareholders of record at September 14, 2018.

CommerceWest Bank Reports First Quarter 2018 Results

Irvine, California – April 25, 2018 – The Bank reported net income for the three months ended March 31, 2018 of $1,637,000 or $0.40 per common share, compared with net income of $1,509,000 or $0.37 per common share for the three months ended March 31, 2017, an EPS increase of 8%.

CommerceWest Bank Declares Cash Dividend Payment to Shareholders

Irvine, California – March 7, 2018 – CommerceWest Bank announced the approval of a quarterly cash dividend by its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.17 per common share, payable April 13, 2018 to shareholders of record at March 16, 2018.

CommerceWest Bank Supported the Blind Children’s Learning Center

Irvine, California – February 22, 2018 – CommerceWest Bank supported the Blind Children’s Learning Center and stepped into the world of children who are blind or visually impaired to understand the challenges that they face. The Vision Beyond Sight event raised funds to help provide early intervention, education and family support to children with visual impairments.